Hello. My name is Sam! :-)
I am a college student on a quest to Africa.
I found out about a study abroad trip going to Africa and I decided that I had to go. This will be a great opportunity for me. I have never really been out of the country (Niagra Falls Canada doesn't count), and so this will be a first. Heck, I have never been on a plane before (something that is making me very nervous let me say). But this will be the experience of a lifetime! We are going down there mainly to take a look at how the people use there soils and what we can do to help them prevent soil erosion and loss. Most of the part of Africa we are going to consists of Agriculture, kind of hard to do when your soil is washing out from under you. So, here we come. While there, we will spend some time working with a project down there planting trees in some of the gullies in order to hold the remaining soil in place.
Of course, while we are there we are going to take a look at the landscape also. :-)
I've seen pictures and it looks BEAUTIFUL!!
I am so excited and nervous all at the same time.
So thus, I begin my quest. A journey that will prepare me for a brighter tomorrow, and one that will provide me with memories and an experience that will last a lifetime.